43. 技術書典振り返り、Netlifyの構想するWebの未来





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シリーズ B で$30M の資金調達を果たした Netlify

Instagram も GitHub もシリーズ B からの Exit

Netlify の Application Delivery Network(ADN) 構想

オリジンサーバーを不要とし、Git で管理されたソースを Netlify がビルドしてエッジに配信する。JAMstack はそのための構成要素の 1 つ

“Netlify is the clear future of the web platform. In less than five years, you’ll build your next complex web application on Netlify’s Application Delivery Network.”

“Our goal is to remove the requirement for those servers completely. We’re not trying to make managing infrastructure easy. We want to make it totally unnecessary.”

Web は Document か Application か

Pre-building and distributing apps ahead of time is the core concept behind the JAMstack, a modern approach to web applications. It’s an idea borrowed from mobile development that’s catching on with the web developer community. “Running any web property without origin servers is an arresting concept, but the clear future of the web platform,


You write code and it just runs everywhere. That’s what we call “originless,” and that’s what Cloudflare does.

開発中の STUDIO エディタをプレビュー

次回の技術書典では STUDIO の技術本とか書いても面白いかもという話
